Name of work: PJHEP-Construction of intake structure, Power House, DT structure, Tail Race Pool and related structure Name of agency : M/s Patel Engineering Ltd, Hyderabad, Value of Contract : Rs.28.91 Crore Period of Contract : 30 Months Date of Commencement of Work : 16-6-2005 | UnitI | All activities are completed. | UnitII | Deep beam concreting with slope portion completed up to El. +301.50m. U/s end wall completed up to El.+301.50m. D/s slab at El+313.70m completed. Columns E line & B line completed up to El+329.50 Columns G 18, 19 up to El+ 308.50 m is completed.Staycone area concrete up to El.+292.50m completed. Concreting of L/S Stay cone wall up to +298.00 & R/s Stay cone wall up to +296.50 m is completed. | UnitIII | D/s annexe slab @ El+303.00m,El+308.50m & El+313.70m completed. D/s end wall is completed up to El+313.70m Annexe columns G20, G21 up to El. +313.70m Completed. DT encasement concreting completed up to El.+300.0m. G22 & F22 up to El. +310.50m Completed. E20, E22 columns up to El. +318.50 Completed. E21 & F21 up to El. +313.70m Completed E23,F23&G23 columns up to El.+302.0m Completed R/f tying is in progress for deep beam at El+ 297.80 m.concrete for TRP in front of Unit 3 is completed | UnitIV | From Ch.0 to Ch.16.5m U/s walls L/S & R/S completed up to deep beam at El.+297.5m D/s end wall and piers up to El.+310.0m completed D/s slab at El.+303.0m & El.+308.50m completed Columns E23, E24,.E25 ,E26, F23,F24,F 25,F26 , G23,G24, G25,G26 up to El.+312.20m completed. concrete for TRP in front of Unit 4 is completed.
D/s annexe slab @ El +313.70 m from grid 22 to 27 is in progress. | UnitV | Ch 0.00m to Ch.16.50 left side walls completed up to El+290.00m, R/S walls completed up to El+293.00m.DT encasement completed up to El.+303.0m. Slab from Ch 42.20m to Ch.54.90m up to El.+ 300 m is completed. L/s pier up to El.+308.50m & R/s pier up to El.+308.50m completed. D/s annexe slab @ El +303.00 m and El +308.50 m is completed. Columns E27 to E31, F27 to F31, G27 to G31 up to El.+310.50m completed.
D/s annexe slab @ El +313.70 m shuttering is completed. Tying of reinforcement is in progress. | Unit VI | L/S walls up to El+ 298.50m, R/S walls up to El+ 285.50m completed. L/S walls up to El+ 288.00m. L/s pier wall up to El+310.0m, R/s pier wall up to El+307.00m completed/s end wall including pier wall up to El+ 308.50m shuttering is completed G33,G34 & G35 columns up to El.+308.50m and F34&F35 columns up to El.+308.50m, E33,E34 & E35 columns up to El.+308.5m completed. DT encasement up to El+ 303.0m completed. L/s wing wall up to El.308.50m and R /s wing wall up to El.300.0m completed. Concreting for slab at El. +303.00m & El. +308.50m is completed.
D/s end wall including pier walls up to @ El +313.00 m is completed. D/s slabs at EL+313.70m shuttering is in progress. | Connecting wall between coffer dam and Unit no:6 is completed up to El+313.00 m. Concreting of drain in Ele.+303.00m floor is completed. | Concrete quantity completed as on date (approx.) 1,14,746 Cum /1, 40,000 cum | Casting and erection of PSC beams | 31 no s completed. | Shotcreting in TRP and TRC | Concreting for R/S is completed. About 4500 Sqm is completed out of 5500 sqm. | Cable trench steel bridge connecting Power House and Switchyard | Completed | Fabrication of crane girder and roof trusses | Fabrication of 60 Nos Crane Girder and all trusses are completed .Erection of trusses up to 18th grid completed. Further erection of trusses is in progress.** Concreting of roof slab completed up to 17th grid. | Cladding: |
Name of work: PJHEP –Providing Galvalume sheet Side wall cladding between levels 321 and 332 m of Power House Name of agency : M/s. Unimet Profiles Pvt Ltd, New Delhi Value of Contract : Rs.94,39,200/- |
Cladding up to repair bay | Completed | Unit-1 | Work is completed up to 12th grid along B & E line. | D T Gates: | Name of work: PJHEP - Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Two sets of Draft tube gates (of approx. size 10.5mx10m) including Gantry crane arrangements for Priyadarshini Jurala Hydro Electric Project (6x39MW) near Revulapally Village, Mahaboobnagar (Dist), A.P. Name of Agency : M/s Radha Madhav Engineering Company , Value of contract : Rs.2.48 crore Period of contract : 12 months , Date of commencement of work:1/10/2005 | Erection of Gantry crane is completed including fabrication of DT elements.* 2 nd stage embedments and railing between u-2 and u-3 for gantry crane one side is completed. | Unit-II—2nd stage concreting upto El.+313.70m completed. Lowering of DT Gate completed. | Unit –III -Erection of 2nd stage concreting completed upto El.+298. Top seal beam concreting completed. Erection above El.+296m is in progress. Unit –IV - 2nd stage embedments upto El.+296 completed. 2nd stage concreting upto El.+295m completed. Top seal beam reinforcement is in progress. | Unit –V -- 2nd stage embedments including top seal beam completed upto El.+296.0m Tying of reinforcement for top seal is in progress. Unit –VI -- 2nd stage embedments completed upto El.+296.0m | Intake Service Gates: | Name of Agency: Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Hydraulic hoists for Intake service gates including repairs and replacements to the existing Intake Service gates. Name of Agency: M/s Aarti Engineering Company, Nagpur, Value of contract : Rs.4.36 crore Period of contract : 12 months Date of commencement of work: 21.06.2006 | Repairing of gates in vent nos 1 to 9 completed. 6 Nos hydraulic hoists are completed. Erection of pipe line for units 1,2,3&5 is completed. Rail testing for unit-1 is completed Rectification and repairs of gate no-10 is under progress. Testing of gate in vent-3 completed.
Lowering of stop log elements in unit-4 is completed. | Switch Yard: | Name of work :PJHEP – Construction of Control room, Switch Yard Civil foundation works & Cable trench from Power House to Switchyard and with in Switchyard at Priyadarshini Jurala Hydro Electric Project, near Revulapally Village, Mahaboobnagar Name of agency :Sri B.Bala Raju, Kurnool Value of Contract :Rs.57,14,676/- Period of Contract :4 Months Date of Commencement of Work :17.8.2006 | 90% work is completed. | Switch yard works relating to commissioning of unit no-1 is completed. Control room completed except raised flooring. | ‘T’ type towers 44/44, Lightening arrestors 223/241 completed. Take off towers I, II & III completed. Cable trench concreting for feeder – III is in progress. Back filling up to El.+313.80 completed up to Unit-VI. Pre cast slab units 1450/1850 completed. Lowering of PSC slabs over cable trench are under progress.Laying of side walls for culvert from E-7 to F-7 completed. Laying of cable trench side walls from F12 to G12 is completed. Back filling for earth mat in feeder 1 area is completed. | Quarters: | Slabs and brick masonry for quarters AE, ADE & DE type are completed. | Name of work :Construction of ‘AE’ Type block consisting 12 units (3 Storeyed)at PJHEP, Revulapally (Village),Mahaboobnagar(Dt) Name of agency :Sri B Chenna Reddy, Gadwal Value of Contract: Rs. 53,91,400/- Period of Contract :12 Months Date of Commencement of Work :22.5.2006 | AE-Type Brick masonry completed. Electrical wiring work completed for 2 units.Fixing of Doors and window frames completed. Plastering for in side walls in block no 1 is in progress. | Name of agency :Sri P.Aswartha Reddy, Kurnool Value of Contract :Rs. 56,81,482/- Period of Contract :12 Months Date of Commencement of Work : 23.6.2006 | ADE-Type Block-1: Brick masonry. plastering, Tandoor flooring, wiring work, fixing of doors& window frames are completed. Skirting, Water supply and sanitaion work is in progress. Providing door shutters and prime coat painting is in progress. Block-2: Brick masonry. plastering, Tandoor flooring and wiring work completed. Skirting, Fixing of doors& window frames is completed. Providing door shutters and prime coat painting is in progress.
Earth work excavation for sewage lines and inspection chambers in block no 1 & 2 is in progress. Flooring for stair case with tandur blue stone is in progress.Selfs for cup-boards and wardrobes is in progress. | Name of work : PJHEP-Construction of DE Type quarters 2 blocks consisting of 4 units at PJHEP,Revulapally (Village), Mahaboobnagar (Dt)
Name of agency :Sri B Chenna Reddy, Gadwal Value of Contract :Rs. 36,41,751/- Period of Contract :9 Months Date of Commencement of Work :22.05.2006 | DE-Type Block No.1 Brick masonry completed. Plastering work completed. Fixing of door and window frames completed. Wiring work is in progress. Tandoor flooring, Water supply, sanitary work is in progress Block No.2 Brick masonry is in progress above lintel level. Plastering work and wiring work is in progress. |
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